Succession Arrangement

The majority of our mandates focus on family-run or shareholder-managed small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Thanks to our many years of experience in the context of missing successors within the family as well as upcoming and mostly unavoidable succession processes, we know which solutions can be successfully pursued.

Family businesses are particularly attractive to strategic buyers and investors, as they often represent the best possible contrast to shareholder value corporations. Entrepreneurs who run their own company tend to have a longer-term management perspective and avoid decisions that only increase profits in the short term but harm their company in the long term.

We develop the optimal process strategy and transaction structure, taking into account all aspects relevant to the mandate - inheritance, financial, tax and corporate law.

Our focus is on identifying the right buyer as well as taking into account the different interests of all parties involved. We see ourselves as a reliable and discreet partner who consistently acts in the best interests of our clients.

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